Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sotmagazine vs Vogazine

Update on our local competitors that started out with an eMagazine just like us! But now, im not too sure where they are heading...

Updates on Sotmagazine

Sotmagazine.com just converted itself into a normal portal!! I believe they are becoming like DIGG but a simpler version. There are CMS that does that like WORDPRESS and PLIGG. Hmm..i think it will be difficult for them to compete against the big boys in YAHOO that is also doing website “magazine” content and many similar others around the whole internet universe!

Updates on Vogazine

Vogazine.com, surprising thing I saw of their update “date” was 15th April 2008 but the makeover news is still the same. No new articles since end of 2007. Are they building a secret weapon?

It seems that sotmagazine now wants to do things similar to vogazine and who knows, maybe vogazine would become like sotmagazine? =)

Stay tuned...

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